Econam是一个完整的电子商务HTML5引导模板. 它是干净的编码,所以任何人都可以很容易地使用它. It has every e-commerce essential page so that template can full fill your every demand.
Sales: 3


绝大多数购物中心没有网站. 而那些有名片的网站主要以名片网站为代表. However, on such sites, 人们只能找到一般的信息:地址, contacts, description, list of stores, 有时是商店的位置地图. 提供详细和有用信息的网站很少. This is explained by the fact that many believe that building and maintaining such a site requires high financial costs. But fortunately, nowadays, shopping plaza websites are built in a very simple way - by using a shopping mall website template.

测试这些WordPress/WooCommerce, MotoCMS, HTML5, Shopify, 在演示模式下的OpenCart主题,看看它们看起来有多棒!


To begin with, 这些购物中心模板都是完全响应的, 这意味着它们是跨浏览器和移动友好的. In addition, they are not difficult to customize because they come with handy page builders that don't require you to touch the code. 拖放特性允许在简单的可视化编辑器中进行定制.

模板的页脚带有社交媒体图标, 允许您的网站与您的公共帐户集成. 内置的谷歌地图可以方便地显示你的位置.

视网膜就绪技术显示高分辨率的图片. Along with parallax and a slider gallery, an online presence and user-friendliness are guaranteed.

最重要的是,这些购物复杂的模板是seo优化. 换句话说,Google非常喜欢他们的有机结构和代码.


A website for center of commerce is very useful because it lets your customers know your benefits and effectiveness in your work. 这一切都很方便,把这与推荐部分. Firstly, the words spoken by other customers evoke a high degree of trust from potential clients. Secondly, you can conduct surveys and research through the site to help you understand what your customers are interested in.

A properly structured website will allow you to relieve the work of your staff significantly. For example, 客户经常会问同样的问题, 你的员工也必须(通过电话)给出同样的答案, e-mail, online chat, etc.). 但是既然你已经知道你的客户最感兴趣的是什么, 你可以把这些数据放在FAQ页面上. 因此,这将使你避免回答常见的问题.


If you want to build a website, it will not be difficult to find shopping arcade templates. 幸运的是,我们有很多. However, to find the best theme, we advise you not to spare the time to search for it because there are many themes. Fortunately, picking up a design, 考虑到你的意愿, 由于左侧栏上的过滤器并不困难吗.

购买购物中心网站模板只是第一步. The next steps are installation, configuration, content management, SEO optimization, advertising. 我们可以帮你制作页面, installing a template, customization, writing articles, 建立社交媒体账户, etc. 感谢现成的主题, you can get your site up and running much faster and not spend a lot of money on further revisions.



MotoCMS is a handy CMS for business websites, blogs, portfolios, online stores, landing pages, etc. 多亏了易于使用的管理面板, 对于那些不太擅长HTML/CSS的人来说,设计很容易编辑.


除了MotoCMS主题外,几乎所有高级模板都不提供试用期. 然而,你有另一种选择——你可以在演示模式下测试它们. 这样,你就会明白你的网站在选择主题后会是什么样子.

What extra services can I buy with the purchase of a shopping mall website template?

订购时,您将看到我们的额外服务. For example, 协助主题安装/定制, adding a visual editor, 获得更多作者的支持, and much more, 这取决于你购买的模板类型.


Of course, we do! 只要你在Facebook上分享链接,我们就给你最高15%的折扣. In addition, 如果你在购买HTML5模板时使用了促销码HTML5WEBSITE, 您可以享受九折优惠. 在页脚的促销码/优惠券部分查看更多信息.


Check a helpful video about the most relevant design trends and use them in your shopping mall website for the best results. Vivid colors, minimalism, fancy typography are the features that suit any huge, attractive project.